Sunday, April 6, 2014

Adding Pieces...End of Week 1

Adding Pieces…End of Week 1

I can’t believe the week we have had! When we hit “post” last week and revealed our plans to adopt, we didn’t know what type of response we would get. You have all wrapped your arms around our family and filled our hearts with joy and excitement. Our support system extends far beyond our wildest dreams. Thank you all for taking our nerves and helping us throw those out the window.

We have had a busy week building what is easily the most challenging puzzle in the world (symbolic…maybe)! When I sent away for the puzzle, I loved it’s meaning and I loved how it looked. What I didn’t take into consideration is that aside from the words, every single puzzle piece looks EXACTLY the same!!! I’ve gotta tell ya, the celebration that takes place after 30 minutes of searching for a matching piece takes form in a screaming “Yahoo,” the running man, and/or some form of raising the roof (some of you have been on the phone with me when I've found a matching know what I'm talking about). It’s been an interesting week in the Mikesh household.

Thank you for your love and support,
Melissa (and Ryan and Jacob too)

Here are some pictures of our puzzle at the end of WEEK 1!

In just 1 week, our puzzle is almost halfway complete!
We've raised $4,500 at the end of Week 1. Thank you ALL!

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